Installing Maven in Eclipse Juno or Higher

How to Install Maven in Eclipse

Click on Eclipse Help -> go to Eclipse Marketplace -> Search for Maven.
Install Maven Integration for Eclipse(Juno and newer) 1.4.

While working on Maven , recently I found a ridiculous issue. Maven was downloading my dependencies, they were on the class of the project. But, still the project was not using the dependencies from Maven & I was getting nasty ClassNotFoundException.

However after searching for a brief period time, I found this solution. Thanks to Stack Overflow & the guy who wrote this solution. Probably the question was about something else. But, I found this reply really helpful.

1. Right Click on the Project.
2. Click on Properties.
3. Type Deployment Assembly in Search Box.
4. Click on Deployment Assembly.
5. Check if the Maven dependencies are added in Web Deployment Assembly.
6. if not, then click on add -> select Java build path entries -> click next -> select Maven dependency & click on Ok.

From now on, Eclipse will use the Maven dependencies.

"To know what you know and what you don't know, that is true knowledge"  - Confucius

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